Oral Health Tips To Keep In Mind When Travelling

When you’re preparing for your next vacation, don’t neglect planning for your oral health! There are many tips to keep in mind to ensure you keep your mouth healthy while you enjoy your vacation.

Below, we have outlined some things you can keep in mind to ensure that your oral health stays top of mind while you’re away on your vacation.
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Tips For Summer Foods That Will Promote Oral Health

During the summer it becomes easy to over indulge in your favourite foods and snacks. More often than not, these foods and drinks are not necessarily the most healthy for your mouth. We’ve put together a list of tips to keep in mind over the summer months, that should help you from over indulging and help to keep your oral health in good standing. While having a treat once in a while is more than okay, remember to keep sugary and less healthy snacks to a minimum.
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Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Dental Visit

Oral Health Tips For The Holidays

The holidays are upon us, and this time of year comes with a variety of delicious foods and beverages to enjoy. 

While you are surely excited to indulge in your favourite holiday treats, your teeth may be slightly less excited. To make sure you can enjoy your favourite holiday treats, while also protecting your teeth as best as you can, follow our holiday oral health tips below.
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Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Versus Over The Counter Options

If you’re looking for a whiter, brighter smile, you are probably weighing your options when it comes to whitening your teeth. With so many options available it can be difficult to decide on what is best for you and your oral health.

Over the counter options are plentiful today with many options available at your local drugstore. Your dentist also provides a variety of options available at your disposal, including take home whitening kits, and in-office whitening procedures.

So, between over the counter and professional options, which is best for you? Below we will take a look at the benefits of professional whitening versus over-the-counter options.
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5 Tips To Combat Dental Anxiety

Reasons Why Dental Implants Are The Best Tooth Replacement Option

5 Oral Health Tips To Follow This Summer

The summer tends to be a more exciting season compared to others. The end of the pandemic is on the horizon and life is returning to some semblance of normalcy.

However, with social activities returning to our daily lives this summer, the excitement can easily throw you off your normal daily routine. Make sure to keep your dental health a priority over the summer months with these five oral health tips. Continue reading

3 Summer Snacks For Healthy Teeth

With summer rolling in, children are sure to crave their favourite treats while enjoying their time in the sun. 

While treats can be enjoyed in moderation, it is important we try to snack as healthy as possible to promote our oral, and overall health. Sometimes it can become difficult to keep coming up with new ideas to keep your children interested in healthy snacking; below we have listed three snacks for you and your family to try over the summer. Continue reading

The Importance of Seeing Your Dentist Semi-Annually

Seeing your dentist twice a year for a regular checkup is an important part of maintaining your oral health. However, sometimes people do not meet this recommendation due to neglect, dental anxiety or lack of insurance coverage. The issue with postponing dental checkups is, over time, it can negatively affect your oral health. Below, we have listed a few of the reasons why it is important to visit your dentist semi-annually.

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