Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Versus Over The Counter Options

If you’re looking for a whiter, brighter smile, you are probably weighing your options when it comes to whitening your teeth. With so many options available it can be difficult to decide on what is best for you and your oral health.

Over the counter options are plentiful today with many options available at your local drugstore. Your dentist also provides a variety of options available at your disposal, including take home whitening kits, and in-office whitening procedures.

So, between over the counter and professional options, which is best for you? Below we will take a look at the benefits of professional whitening versus over-the-counter options.


Over the counter options are attractive given their affordability. However, over time the cost can quickly add up due to the need for frequent use. Professional teeth whitening services do have a higher cost, but they last longer and you get faster, more noticeable results.


In-office whitening is always safer than using home whitening products. If you attempt to whiten your teeth without properly following the directions it is possible to damage your gums.

Some find it tempting to leave over the counter tooth whitening strips on longer than the recommended time to get “quicker” results, but this leads to painful and irritated gums that may require treatment. Leaving strips on for too long can also wear enamel and irritate teeth.


Teeth whitening products utilize a concentration of peroxide and carbamide bleaching gel to whiten your teeth. Professional whitening options are able to safely use higher concentrations of whitening agents to create more noticeable results. Some dentists use a laser after applying the bleaching agent to speed up the whitening process even more. This is why professional whitening is more effective than any over the counter whitening option.

Long-Term Results

The effectiveness of whitening your teeth professionally, means that you will benefit from longer term results.

Your dentist will advise you with tips to ensure your teeth stay white for as long as possible, and in some cases can even provide you with a take home kit to use as a touch up and increase the longevity of your results.

Over the counter options need to be used much more frequently, and even when used correctly, will not reach the same level of results that professional whitening can achieve.

If you’re interested in professionally whitening your teeth in Guelph, contact Woolwich Dental to book your appointment today.

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