Dental anxiety is a real thing, but it’s possible to overcome. Many people experience anxiety leading up to their dental appointments, and many avoid regular checkups completely due to extreme fear. These missed appointments eventually lead to further dental problems down the road.

Rather than avoiding the issue completely, take the time to learn about the different ways you can combat dental anxiety to ensure that you are still taking care of your oral health. Below we have listed 5 tips to help you combat dental anxiety.
Look For An Understanding Dentist
The fear of going to the dentist is such a common concern for patients, that many dentists take steps to alleviate their anxiety. Ask your dentist what their office offers for patients with dental anxiety when you make your first appointment.
Arrive On Time, But Not Too Soon
The last thing you want on the day of your appointment is a long wait in the lobby where your brain can run wild. Arrive 5 to 10 minutes early so that you are on time but will have a minimal wait. Bring along your favourite book or magazine so you have something to help distract your mind.
Ask Questions
Anxieties are often calmed by simply asking questions! If you’re curious about something happening before, during, or after your procedure, simply ask your dentist or someone in the office. Dental professionals are here to help and serve you, so try not to be afraid to ask.
Ask You Dentist About Sedation Options
If your dental anxiety is more severe, you should still make an attempt to attend your regular appointments. However, you still do have options to help make your appointment a calmer experience. Certain dental offices will offer a range of sedation options to help you remain calm during your appointment. If you think this may be a good option for you, try to find a dentist that offers a wide range of sedation options when making your appointment.
Make Your Next Appointment Before Leaving The Office
If you experience dental anxiety, a good tip is to book your next checkup before you leave the dental office. After your procedure your anxiety is more likely to be low, and the ease of your appointment will be front of mind. However, if you wait to book your appointment, your anxiety is more likely to resurface and you may be less likely to call and rebook. Make sure to book that next appointment before leaving, even if it is months into the future.
Woolwich Dental offers a wide range of sedation options for our patients that experience dental anxiety. Our staff and dentists in Guelph are all welcoming and understanding, and are able to help you cope with dental anxiety to ensure you are still maintaining your oral health. If you have more questions about dental anxiety or are looking to book a dentist appointment in Guelph, contact us today.