During the summer it becomes easy to over indulge in your favourite foods and snacks. More often than not, these foods and drinks are not necessarily the most healthy for your mouth. We’ve put together a list of tips to keep in mind over the summer months, that should help you from over indulging and help to keep your oral health in good standing. While having a treat once in a while is more than okay, remember to keep sugary and less healthy snacks to a minimum.

Fruits and Vegetables Over Chips
Potato chips are standard party fare, but chewed-up chips often settle in the crevices of your teeth, giving cavity-causing bacteria the chance to erode them.
Instead, put apples and pears on a fruit platter, and stock a veggie tray with carrots, celery and raw broccoli. The crunch helps to scrub off build-up and stimulate saliva to wash away what’s left.
Cheese, Please!
Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are low in sugar and rich in calcium and phosphorous, which strengthen and protect enamel. Research also suggests that eating more dairy may lower your chances for developing gum disease. So go ahead and enjoy that cheese platter in moderation!
Crushed Not Cubed
While having ice in your drinks can be a necessity on a hot summer's day, try to stick to crushed ice instead of cubed. If you have cubed ice, resist the temptation to bite into it as it can damage your tooth enamel and even potentially break your tooth. Try having crushed ice in your favourite fruit infused water as a substitute for a sugary drink.
Carry Sugarless Gum
Studies show that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes following meals may help prevent tooth decay. Chewing sugar-free gum gets saliva flowing to wash away food and fights acids produced by cavity-causing bacteria from eating away your teeth.
For more tips on how to keep your oral health in good standing over the summer months, contact Woolwhich Dental today.