A Guide To Dentistry During Covid-19

During these uncertain times, things that were routinely part of our daily lives have become drastically different. The way we gather with friends, go to the grocery store and do our jobs have all changed due to COVID-19. So has dentistry, but in a way that increases safety.

Before COVID-19, a dental office would be extremely well equipped with sterilization protocols and materials due to the nature of the dental work involved. COVID-19 has amplified the importance of these protocols and increased their necessity. However, as sterilization experts, we are extremely well equipped to deal with these changes.

Below are some of the things that you can expect during your next dental visit.

Infection Prevention and Control

Infection prevention is essential for safe patient care. All dentists providing dental treatment are required to meet the dental college’s standard on Infection Prevention and Control within their dental practice. When you visit our dental office, there are strict Infection Prevention and Control Standards that have been put in place to ensure your safety.


We are ensuring all operatories are clean and thoroughly disinfected between each and every patient visit. All non-essential items have been removed from the office, reception area, and operatories; such as magazines, books, toys and more.

Our staff are always cleaning their hands as often as possible; before and after contact with patients, after contact with high-touch surfaces or equipment, and after removing PPE. There is also a focus on hand sterilization for patients. Hand sanitizer will be available to use for both staff and patients to further increase sterilization and reduce the possibility of transmission.

Dental Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Our team will be wearing personal protective equipment such as gloves, protective eyewear, masks and protective clothing. This promotes patient and staff safety by reducing the risk of transmission.

Patient Screening and Patient PPE

Before you go into the office, we will perform a pre-screening to check if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. All patients and visitors are required to wear a mask at all times while in the office except when they are being treated. This is to ensure the safety of staff and other patients.

We Look Forward To Continuing To Serve You In Our Enhanced Environment

Your dental experience has slightly changed, but you can be sure that you are in good hands as we have been focusing on sterilization and other safety protocols since well before the pandemic. By following the above protocols, we ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all.

If you have any questions or would like to book your next dental appointment, contact us today.

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