Food & Drinks To Avoid To Maintain A Healthy Smile

Regular brushing and flossing are your best protection against tooth decay and gum problems. However, paying attention to your diet can also help keep your smile bright and your gums healthy. Ensuring you are consuming a healthy diet with necessary nutrients can be important for your overall health. Nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium and others are essential to oral health.

The best advice to prevent cavities is to limit your intake of foods that can erode enamel. If you snack, reach for a food that’s less likely to cause tooth decay.

Below we have outlined some foods and drinks you should avoid to maintain a healthy, white, stain-free smile.

Sugary Drinks

When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, the bacteria produce acids. The acids can erode tooth enamel, creating pits within teeth where cavities can form. Sugary drinks, like soft drinks and fruit drinks, consist almost entirely of simple sugars. Carbonated drinks, such as soft drinks, are especially bad for teeth because the carbonation also induces increased acidity. Sports drinks are also another cause of enamel damage due to their high sugar content.

Candy & Highly Sweetened Snacks

Most candies are loaded with sugar which, like soft drinks, increases acid levels caused by bacteria in the mouth. Sticky candies pose the biggest threat because they adhere to your teeth, increasing the exposure to sugar and making it hard for saliva to wash it away. Instead, opt for a healthy snack such as an apple or a few carrots; they have elements that can help whiten your smile as well.

Some Starchy Foods

Less obviously, starches also raise acid levels from bacteria in the mouth which leads to the erosion of tooth enamel. Starchy foods include breads, pastas, rice, and potatoes. The more refined or cooked a starch is, the more likely it is to raise acid levels in the mouth. Raw starches such as those found in vegetables do not endanger tooth enamel in the same way as refined starches.

Coffee, Tea and Red Wine

Sweetened tea or coffee raises acid levels which can weaken enamel. These drinks are heavily enjoyed and are often sipped slowly which means acid levels may remain high over a longer period of time, raising the exposure to sugar. Coffee, tea, and red wine also tend to stain teeth which is another reason they should be enjoyed in moderation.

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