Dental Professionals Reveal the Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth

White is considered by most people as the ideal colour for their teeth. The truth, however, is that the natural colour of teeth ranges from light grey to yellowish shades, and teeth are not naturally meant to be completely white. This does not mean that most Canadians won’t stop at nothing to achieve a more brilliant set of pearly whites.

Dental Professionals Reveal the Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth

Teeth do more than just aid you in talking and chewing, for these can also make or break your appearance. It doesn’t help that your teeth naturally gradually darken as you age, and it can happen earlier when you consume more teeth-staining food and drinks and use tobacco products. Fortunately, dental experts have the solution to your pearly whites, and reveal the best-kept secrets to gaining that whiter smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Watch your Food

Consider slowing down on red wine and black tea, both of which are among the biggest culprits of staining your teeth. Remember that whatever you eat or drink may show up on your teeth, so try to keep your consumption of colas, dark juices, and gravies to a minimum. Should you do eat or drink teeth-staining foods and drinks, don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards.

Try adding cellulose-rich foods, like carrots, celery, and apples to your daily diet. Cellulose, a strong starch-like compound found in these foods, acts as a natural abrasive and is effective in cleansing and removing stains from your teeth. Greens like lettuce, spinach, and broccoli also contain mineral compounds that form a protective film over your teeth, preventing pigments from other foods from staining your pearly whites.

Brush your Teeth the Right Way

You may be brushing your teeth twice a day, but you may not be doing it properly. Surprisingly, most people aren’t brushing their teeth for two minutes, as recommended by dental professionals everywhere. To make sure that you’re brushing your teeth the dentist-recommended way, try using a timer and set it for two minutes, or hum along to a tune that lasts that long.

Avoid Home Remedies at All Costs

You can find a lot of home remedies online, all of them claiming to effectively whiten your teeth right in the comforts of your own home. Most of these remedies, however, pose a serious threat to your teeth and leave a sour taste on your oral health. Mixing baking soda with lemon juice, for instance, can cause erosion to your teeth due to the latter’s acidic nature.

Instead, opt for teeth whitening treatments and other cosmetic dentistry procedures offered by clinics like the Woolwich Dental Group in Guelph. You can be assured that you’ll get a more stunning smile without fearing about damages to your teeth.

  Sources: The Best Ways to Whiten Your Teeth, CBC 6 Tips For Whiter Teeth, Reader’s Digest 15 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth, Woman’s Health Teeth whitening, Canadian Dental Association

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