Dental Bonding In Guelph
Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure where a tooth-colored resin is applied and hardened onto your existing tooth using a special light. It works to create a bond between the material and the tooth to restore or improve a person's smile.
Bonding is an excellent way to improve the look of your smile, and more affordable than alternative options such as implants and veneers. Decay, discolouration and spaces in between teeth can all be addressed through the dental bonding procedure, helping to reshape your smile and increase your confidence.
Bonding allows us to change the colour, shape and length of your teeth to your desired aesthetic. Similar to veneers, we can eliminate crowding and close up gaps in your teeth using bonding. Over time the resin material will be subject to wear and tear. Bonding work lasts approximately five to eight years before you need to get it redone or switch to an alternative option.
The Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Procedure
Composite resin is used to fill, reface and restructure teeth during the bonding procedure. The resin is sculpted by one of our dentists who will shape it, and then harden it via a high intensity light.
After the resin has hardened, the surface will be polished so it looks, feels and functions like natural enamel. The bonding process is quick and efficient; most patients see an aesthetic difference in a single visit and are content with results.
Consider Bonding To Enhance Your Smile
If you have a damaged smile and require a fix in the Guelph area, consider cosmetic tooth bonding. Our dental practice in Guelph can use dental bonding to achieve the smile you desire. Contact us today to learn more and book your appointment.