5 Ways To Make Brushing Fun For Your Child

Getting children to routinely brush their teeth is no easy task for new parents. Children sometimes resist brushing their teeth because it is not as attractive as alternate activities. As a parent, it’s essential to instill the importance of oral health in your child.

Making brushing a fun activity can not only teach your child the importance of oral health, but will make them eager to improve and allow them to consistently stick to a routine. Below we have listed five ways to make brushing fun for your child that you can try at home today.

Set A Good Example

Young children look up to and try to emulate their parents. By following a proper oral health care routine, you show your child the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth.

Let them watch you brush your teeth, or alternatively make the experience interactive by brushing your teeth together. This can help develop a daily routine. If your child enjoys participating in the activity with you, they will look forward to cleaning their teeth every day.

Let Them Personalize Their Oral Health

By letting your child personalize their oral health care, you give them more responsibility and control. Under your guidance, let them pick an appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste to make the experience more personalized and enjoyable for your child.

If your child feels more in control of their experience and enjoys their new equipment, it will make brushing something they look forward to.

Provide Appropriate Rewards

Create a schedule and monitor how often your child sticks to their oral health care routine. Tell them if they reach a certain goal, they will receive a reward at your discretion.

Rewards could include a game, fun activity, special snack or more. Whatever you think is appropriate as a parent will work. This will act as positive reinforcement, to keep your child conscious of their oral health routine.

Brush With Music

If your child loves music or has a favourite song, play this during their brushing time. Instruct them to brush their teeth along to the music, and if the song is roughly 2 minutes in duration, you can use it as a guide for your child so they know how long they need to brush for.

Use Pretend Play To Your Advantage

In between brushing sessions, let your child play with a separate toothbrush and let them use it to brush their toy’s teeth. Explain to them the importance of oral health while they do so, and use the time to educate them on the subject.

Children’s Dentistry In Guelph

If you’re looking to book a dental appointment for your child in Guelph, contact our team of dental specialists today at Woolwich Dental. We will create a fun and friendly environment for your child’s dental visit to ensure their teeth are strong and healthy.

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